Fly Tying Tutorial: Matt Meahan's Steelhead Shank Intruder

Intruder Style Flies Are Designed to Provoke Aggressive Strikes From Steelhead
As the name suggests, the idea is to "intrude" on the steelhead's territory and trigger the "fight" response of fight or flight.
Meahan's Intruder is an approachable pattern for all fly tyers. So many Intruder fly patterns call for some exotic material, but with everyday materials Meahan's Intruder is a good fly for beginning steelhead tyers, but also a quick, good-looking fly for veterans as well.
The small rear loop on the Fish-Skull Senyo's Articulated Shank makes it easy to attach the rear Kona Big Game Hunter hook and allows the shank to be held straight in any vise, avoiding the need to tie the fly at strange angles. Not to mention, the splash of color added from the Senyo's Articulated Shank and the different variations available give you nearly endless color combination options for this fly.
Fly Tying Recipe
Hook Section
- Hook: Kona Big Game Hunter (BGH) hook, size #1
- Tag: Floss
- Body: Sparkle Braid
- Wing: Schlappen
Shank Section
- Shank: Fish-Skull Senyo's Articulated Shank for Steelhead and Salmon Flies, size 40mm
- Tag: Floss
- Body: Sparkle Braid
- Hackle: Schlappen
- Spreader: Deer Hair
- Wing: Schlappen
- Feelers: Ostrich Herl
- Hot Spot Wing: Schlappen
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About Brian Wise:
Brian Wise is a fly fishing guide in extreme Southern Missouri. His mainstays are the wild rainbow trout and large predatory brown trout of the North Fork of the White River, but he is also a self-proclaimed smallmouth junkie and loves the seasonal striper fishing as well. He's been the head guide at River of Life Farm for over a decade and has been featured in print such as Southern Living Magazine, Outdoor Life, Fly Fisherman, Field and Stream, Rural Missouri Magazine, on television shows such as NBC’s Today Show, Outdoor Channel’s Ultimate Outdoors, several appearances on Outdoor Channel Outfitters, and is a Field Producer for Chasing Waters on the Pursuit Channel. He was a 2007 qualifier for the coveted Best of the West distance casting competition and won the Bennett Springs distance casting competition with a whopping cast of 106 feet. When Brian isn’t guiding, he is fishing with his two sons. His fly tying and fly fishing videos are quickly making their way to the top of the list, and the Fly Fishing the Ozarks Youtube Channel is the fastest growing channel in the fly fishing genre.
That is a great looking fly. What sort of line do you fish that with, as I am fairly new to streamer fishing?
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