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Destination Articulation Fly Tying Contest final round.
Over the last 6 weeks, fly tyers around the world submitted 450+ flies to the #DestinationArticulationFlyTyingContest, which we put on with Orvis, Taylor Fly Fishing, Ahrex Hooks, and Renzetti to challenge fly tyers to push the limits tying with shanks from the Flymen Articulated Shank family.
The Flymen team chose a winner each week, and now it's up to YOU to decide the final grand prize winners and have the chance to win an Orvis Helios 3 fly rod (value: $849) just for voting!
- 1st place will win a Taylor Fly Fishing Revolution Fly Reel
- 2nd place will win an Ahrex Hooks Super Pack
- 3rd place will win a Renzetti Traveler 2000 Vise + Renzetti Fly Tying Materials
Follow us on Instagram if you're not already for more fly photos!
Sweepstakes winner: Joel Johannesson
Super talented flytyers. Appreciate the crayfish and brown trout patterns the most. Truth be told…they are all fantastic!
They are all great..??
Wow, all winners! The symetry and coloration maintained by Jeff on #5 was astounding.
Actually they all look great and the work and detail are beyond expertise.
They all look like fish getterz,but #2 really catches my eye !
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