  • How to take your spouse on a fly fishing vacation and stay happily married.
  • Post author
    Ryan Shea
  • fly fishingfly fishing travel

How to take your spouse on a fly fishing vacation and stay happily married.

It's all about balance.

If you’re like us, you fish all the time.

When I say all the time, I mean literally every available moment of your free time is spent fishing or thinking about fishing in some way.

I have a tendency to be super focused on things that are of interest to me – the rest of the world disappears kind of focused. My wife contends that this leads to the detriment of our relationship from time to time. I can’t argue with that.

Over the years, I’ve been trying to create balance here by getting my wife involved in fishing. The experience has been great.

My wife and I have traveled to quite a few renowned fisheries around the U.S. and just recently, Canada. She’s indifferent to whether or not she catches fish (somehow, she always does). She claims she’s just happy to experience some of nature’s beauty and to see me happy. I’m happy to oblige her those opportunities.

Nate (my partner in our guide service, Brookdog Fishing Co.) has a similar relationship/dynamic with his wife, Jen. He too tries to correct prolonged periods of imbalance in his relationship by going on outdoor-oriented/destination fishing trips with his spouse.

This year, we decided to test the waters of a couple’s vacation. It worked out incredibly well. Whatever the dynamics are between you and your significant other, destination fishing is a great way to spend a vacation together.

This isn't going to be a kiss-and-tell article. I'm not going to tell you exactly where we fished. In the end, that’s not important. There’s a lot of angling opportunities in this slice of fly fishing heaven. All you need to do is pick up a map and explore the blue lines. Better yet, Google the drainage and use Google Earth – there’s a wealth of info out there.

What I WILL cover is how to execute a couple’s vacation to this incredible angling destination on a budget. If you put aside a small sum of money and go on this trip, you’ll come home closer to your significant other than when you left.

Alberta, Canada – a great place for a couple’s fly fishing vacation.

Alberta, Canada – cutties, bullies, mountains, pines, pristine water, numerous ways to get on and off the grid.

Need I say more to attract you to the place? The pictures say it all.

Google the Crowsnest Region, buy maps for the area, and take your pick on the blue lines. They all produce. Finding fish is easy.

The key to a couple’s vacation is balance. Here’s how we pulled it off.

Getting there.

In my limited experience, Canadian airports are a picture of efficiency compared to those in the United States.

If you can depart from somewhere in Canada – do it. The exchange rate is great, ticket prices are reasonable, and you’ll get in and out of a Canadian airport quickly compared to what we’re used to in the U.S.

If you want to fish this region, you want to fly to Calgary. Take your time getting there (remember balance). If it was just Nate and I, we’d land late, grab the rental car, drive for a couple hours, set up a tent in the dark, and pass out. That wouldn’t be a fun endeavor, but would be worth the pain as it would set us up for a full day of angling the next day.

I’m sure many venturing anglers can relate to pushing hard to get on the water as soon as you hit the ground at your destination. However, that’s not too favorable if you’re traveling with your significant other.

Chill out!

If you’re on a couple’s vacation to this part of the world, stay the night in Calgary. It’s a great city with a ton of stuff to do. Grab some food. Drink some drinks. Get some sleep. Grab a big breakfast in the morning and hit the road rested, full, and ready to have fun. Trust me, it’ll pay off for all parties involved.

Establish a base camp.

As a former USMC logistician, I think I understand the value of sustainability better than most.

Yes, living out of your trunk while moving all the time on a fishing trip has its charms/benefits but it has some serious drawbacks, the two biggest being:

  1. You’re going to burn a lot of time breaking down and setting up camp every day.
  2. You’ll also burn a lot of time looking for a new spot. Displacing is always a gamble. I can’t tell you how many times we’ve moved to a new camping area only to find out it was full or in rough shape. Follow being shafted by a night spent crashing in a car in a Walmart parking lot and you’ll be a wreck the next day.

Those are huge considerations when you are trying to maximize time on the water. Put that idea aside for a second.

A couple’s vacation isn’t all about time on the water. Sure, that’s an big element, but having an established place to come back to at the end of the day allows for:

  1. Evening drinks and a well-cooked meal.
  2. An easy transition to tent time.
  3. Use your imagination of what can follow…

What’s great about the Crowsnest Region is that there are numerous base camp options. From established campgrounds to provincial land, opportunities abound to set up a base camp that’ll keep you close to fish while allowing you to spend quality time off the water.

Hire a guide.

I’m not just saying this because I am a guide. Our profession exists for a reason – we put you on fish and eliminate the requirement/burden of planning.

In all likelihood, someone who reads this will likely comment that guides only exploit a region. “Hiring a guide is a sign of weakness – you should be able to figure the area out yourself.”


When on a couple’s vacation, you want your significant other to catch fish. I’m also assuming YOU will want to catch fish too. Guess what? The guide can help your significant other while pointing you in the right direction.

If you go to the Crowsnest Region – look up Shane Olson. Both he and his wife will put you on fish and entertain. Check and check!

Make a transition to something different.

Maybe I’m getting too personal with this article in thinking at least one partner in a relationship won’t want to fish the entire time.

I’m also thinking one won’t want to camp the entire time.

This is anecdotal but every angler I know whose spouse “fishes,” really does so as a means to spend quality time with the other. Remember balance – allow for some payback. After camping out and eating camp food for a few days, make a transition to something a little more civilized.

A hot shower, clean bed and clothes, and a robust meal cooked by someone else while sitting in a restaurant is a great change of pace, especially if you’ve been sleeping in the dirt, not showering, moving your bowels in outhouses (or worse), and dining at a picnic table or tree stump for a few days.

The area we visited in southwestern Alberta is ideal for this. Banff and Canmore, Alberta are a short drive from the Crowsnest region. Both towns are gorgeous. Surrounded by mountains and flowing rivers, there are numerous hotels and restaurants for every taste and budget.

In addition to dining and lodging options, there are cool things to do throughout the day. From hot springs to gondola rides to shopping, a couple can easily spend a few days in these towns and only scrape the surface.   

Plan your fly fishing getaway!

Hopefully this helps.

As I mentioned above, my wife Janice and I have done a few of these couple’s vacations and all have been great.

If you plan it together and develop a balanced itinerary, it’ll be a success.

Oh, by the way – if you think your spouse can’t pull it off for some reason, think again. Jen was 6 months pregnant on this past one and had a blast. She’ll be able to tell her child that she caught fish with it in the womb.

That kid’s gonna be fishy fo sho!

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About Ryan Shea:

Ryan Shea, fly fishing guideRyan is a fly fishing guide and co-owner at Brookdog Fishing Company in Western New York. As a logistician and project manager in the US Marine Corps, he served his country on multiple deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan and executed nearly a dozen moves throughout the country – fishing where and when he could (but mostly working his ass off) along the way. During this time, he formed a life goal of catching a fish on a fly in all 50 states and 10 Canadian provinces (the bucket list keeps growing though), and he is nearly halfway there. After spending more than half his life on the move, the idea of “home waters” started to sound appealing. With a desire to grow roots, provide stability for his family, connect with community, and teach others the joys of fishing and importance of preserving our natural resources, Ryan got together with his friend Nate and started Brookdog Fishing Company back where it all began – Western New York. Follow them on Instagram (@brookdogfly) and Facebook.

  • Post author
    Ryan Shea
  • fly fishingfly fishing travel

Comments on this post (11)

  • Oct 04, 2024

    Estoy impresionado. Esto realmente me está pasando a mí. He recuperado a mi exmarido. Mi nombre es Veronica Wellington, soy de EE. UU. Estoy muy feliz hoy de ser quien escriba sobre mi ayudante que oró por mí por mi relación. Dios ciertamente usó a este hombre para ayudar en mi situación. Por favor, escuche mis palabras, si está buscando un lanzador de hechizos que lo ayude, comuníquese con el Doctor Odunga. Él es el mejor lanzador de hechizos para ayudarte hoy.

    Hace dos años, mi marido y yo tuvimos una gran pelea que llevó al divorcio. Fue un infierno para mí y para mi bebé tener que mudarnos a Filadelfia. Me convertí en madre soltera. Conocí al Doctor Odunga hace aproximadamente un mes cuando le conté mi situación y me dijo que no me preocupara. Al cabo de tres días, mi exmarido volvió conmigo. Sucedió un martes por la mañana cuando recibí una llamada de casa (mis padres) de que me estaba buscando. Acepté que viniera a Filadelfia y me pedí disculpas arrodillándome frente a nuestro hijo. Supe al instante que este hombre me había ayudado. Soy una mujer muy feliz con todo lo que pasó en mi vida. Si desea contactar a un lanzador de hechizos, conozca al Doctor Odunga y se sorprenderá de los maravillosos cambios en su vida. Su correo electrónico es odungaspelltemple@gmail.com Envíale un correo electrónico y te responderá.

    — Veronica Wellington

  • Jul 13, 2024

    My 20 year marriage blessed with four children was about to break up because my loving husband said he was tired of our union and wanted a divorce for no reason, I knew something was wrong so after 3 months of searching and many disappointments I went to seek help from other people. I finally met DR. SUNNY, a spiritual man blessed by his gods with a supernatural ability to solve various problems in life. I explained my situation to him and he asked me some questions which I answered honestly, DR SUNNY told me what the problem was and told me what to do, I followed all his instructions and after a week my husband came back home. staying outside for two months and tore up the divorce paper and today we live peacefully at home. If something is bothering you in life and you want a quick and reliable solution, contact DR SUNNY and you will have a reason to share your testimony like me. Contact Whatsapp: +2348082943805 or email him. drsunnydsolution1@gmail.com

    — Sonia

  • Dec 03, 2020

    This article helps me understand the dynamic of couples wanting to travel together with the husband who is a die hard angler and the wife who is less ecstatic with the notion of fly fishing all day. Good read.

    Thanks. Tess from Turneffe Island Resort

    — Tess

  • Dec 03, 2020

    Nice article and your goal will be easy, this season we have 7 states to fish left. We do travel and use our winnebago as a fishing hut.

    — Peggy Brenner

  • Dec 03, 2020

    yes thank you

    — brian MacElroy

  • Dec 03, 2020

    We need more articles like this and would like more info on U S A and more on the Blue Grass area and Arkansas and Texas

    Thank you Keep up the good work

    — Ron

  • Dec 03, 2020

    Enjoyed the article about couples. My wife and I started fly fishing just 8 years ago and we just love it. I will send you an article about us. Please keep me on your mailing list

    — Ken ferrin

  • Dec 03, 2020

    Enjoyed this article. Lived a similar life with my wife of 50 years. Have slowed down a bit now but have many wonderful memories that will last me a lifetime and still get out for some less adventerous adventures.

    — Tom Cole

  • Dec 03, 2020

    great article trying to get my wife into fly fishing since we are retired.

    — george spencer

  • Dec 03, 2020

    My wife and I actually did a similar trip (fly into Calgary, hike and fish Banff to Jasper) in 2015 for our 26th anniversary. She is still new to fly fishing and its all I think about these days. The key for us was balance – meaning 6 days of awesome hiking (something we both enjoy) me carrying a rod, and one day dedicated solely to fishing a section of the bow river. Still one of the best trips ever!

    — Chip

  • Dec 03, 2020

    I love your products and use them all the time in my warmwater fishing, but this notion of taking the wife fishing is absurdly unrealistic. I’m struggling now to find some place – Asheville, Viroqua maybe – where she can be entertained while I’m off for a few hrs to fish. But she, and I think most women, want nothing to do with getting dirty and handling slimy fish.

    — Dave

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